Conference Objectives
Forging New Frontiers, the annual conference of the Injury Free Coalition for Kids, is the premier injury prevention meeting to foster collaborative research, develop best practices and address challenges in the field of pediatric injury prevention.
The objectives of the December 2023 Conference are to provide participants with an opportunity to:
- Expand knowledge in the field of Injury Prevention.
- Encourage and disseminate injury prevention research.
- Learn about designing, planning and building healthy communities.
- Share and explore challenges and successes in community-based injury prevention programming with a goal of helping trauma centers develop and improve injury prevention programs.
- Share information about innovative injury prevention best practices.
- Describe how trauma centers can develop and evaluate community-based injury prevention programs.
- Identify opportunities for multi-city projects and research as well as opportunities to learn more about translating research into practice in minority and resource-limited communities.
- Provide attendees with the opportunity to revitalize their creative energies in order to continue to innovate and sustain healthy communities.