Presenter Profile

Holly R. Hanson, MD, MS

Holly R. Hanson, MD, MS

Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Holly Hanson, MD is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati and an attending physician in the Pediatric Emergency Department at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. She obtained her medical degree from Northeastern Ohio Medical University before completing a pediatric residency and a pediatric emergency medicine fellowship at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. During that time, she earned a Master's Degree in Clinical and Translational Research from the University of Cincinnati.

Dr. Hanson has been an active research investigator in the Pediatric Emergency Department, focusing her work on injury epidemiology. She has most recently published in the areas of traumatic brain injury, intubation and post-intubation care, and injury prevention. She serves as the abstract co-chair for the AAP Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention and is the co-chair of the APA Injury Control Special Interest Group.


Moving from “Project” to “Publication” in Manuscript Writing

Jim Dodington, MD
Mike Levas, MD
Holly R. Hanson, MD, MS

Part of session:
Workshop Session 1C
Saturday, December 2, 2023, 1:30 PM to 2:45 PM

Academic productivity is an important component of both scholarly advancement and individual promotion. Preparation, submission, and acceptance of manuscripts are key ingredients. The British Medical Journal published an article in 2014 titled, “How to Get Your Research Published” and in this article they suggest that publishing research is important because it allows for debate and education, serves as a catalyst for practice change, and it allows for career promotion. Writing and submitting manuscripts, however, is not part of medical school curriculum and the peer-review process can be daunting with journal acceptance rates low.

This workshop will focus on the basics of writing a manuscript for peer-review publication. We will break down the writing process into a before you write, while writing, and after you write section. We will discuss ways to make writing easier, keys to collaborating while writing, choosing a journal for submission, and the dreaded response to reviewers. The second part of the workshop will allow for independent writing based on a sample “study” that is provided or workshop participants are welcome to bring their own materials to get help and ideas. We will end with a time of Q&A.


1. Understand how to set yourself up to write successfully and choose a journal.
2. Review the “Instructions to the Author”
3. Obtain a “toolbox” of useful instruments for writing well
4. Learn how to respond to reviewers
5. Practice writing with others