April 7, 2003 - Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Atlanta
Injury Free Coalition for Kids: Atlanta Does Interview for Tu Vida TV: Educating Hispanic Families on the coalition services and programs. In a pre recorded interview that has not aired Ana Everett, Injury Free Coalition for Kids Atlanta director interview with Tu Vida TV. The interview went well and we have provided a copy of the interview in english for others to view. It was a great outreach opportunity for our site and we are looking forward to other opportunities to provide injury prevention education and resources to the Hispanic Community.
The Interview:
What is the Injury Free Coalition for Kids? It is an organization that works to reduce injury in children.
Who does the organization serve? The organization serves children 0-19 living in the Metropolitan Atlanta Community.
Where is your program based? Our programs are both hospital based and community based. We work out of the Hughes Spalding Children's Hospital which is part of the Grady Health System. The programs are supervised by two Emory Pediatric Physicians: Dr. Terri McFadden director of ambulatory medicine and Dr. Barbara Petitt who is a pediatric surgeon. We also delivery community based programs throughout the Metropolitan Atlanta Community through our Grady Health System: Sattelite Clinics and through partnerships with other community based organization.
What areas of injury do you focus your efforts? There are two types of injury. Unintentional injury and intentional injury. We have programs that address both areas. But our primary focus is to reduce unintentional injury to children.
What are unintentional injuries? Unintentional injuries are those injuries that can be prevented. Like injuries that happen because a child was not in a carseat, or a fall, or drowning, and bike accident because a child didn't have a helmet on, or pedestrian related accidents.
We address those injuries by developing programs and providing resources like car seats, bike helmets, electrical outlet covers, and many other resources that teach and help parents, children, and caretakers how to keep their children safe.
How would someone get in touch with your organization to learn about injury and acquire resource to help keep their child or children safe? They would contact us several ways:
By Phone: 404-616-1403
They can go to our website: www.injuryfree.org
They could visit Hughes Spalding Children's Hospital and ask about the Injury Free Coalition for Kids and be referred by a physcian or social worker
Information on Tu Vida TV:
TUVIDATV.COM lanza a nivel mundial, via internet, el primer programa en Espanol, dirigido a la comunidad Hispana, tratando temas de salud y medicina preventiva. Todos los usuarios de DSL y Broadband, tendran acceso a este programa.
Atlanta: Out of the Box Entertainment, empresa con fines no lucrativos, dedicada a la produccion de videos y peliculas, establecida en Atlanta, lanzo el primer programa unico en su genero. Una serie de 56 programas en Espanol, dirigido a la comunidad Hispana, tratando temas de salud y medicina preventiva. El programa, ôTuVidaTVö, traducido al Ingles como ôYour Life TVö, debuto en Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters, Inc. (AIB) en enero y se enfoca a las necesidades de salud Hispana. En el programa se invitan a participar a personalidades involucradas en proveer servicios de salud a la comunidad Hispana, tales como medicos, educadores de salud, especialistas, empresas farmaceuticas, directores de servicios medicos de diferentes condados, representantes de aseguradoras medicas, etc.
La emision de este programa por television e internet a nivel mundial, es con el fin de crear consciencia sobre temas de salud que mas afectan a la comunidad Hispana. Entre los temas a tratar estan la diabetes, presion alta, colesterol, salud mental, embarazo en la adolescencia, Medicaid, Medicare, Peach Care, STD incluyendo HIV/AIDS, depresion, hepatitis y muchos otros mas.
TuVidaTV.com, lanza oficialmente su emision mundial a traves de su website en internet: http://www.tuvidatv.com. Cada lunes se emitira un tema de salud y permanecera toda la semana con el fin de que las personas tengan la oportunidad de verlo cualquier dia y se cambiara el siguiente lunes. Nuestros usuarios disfrutaran de este programa en pantalla completa. De acuerdo a Eric Guillermo, productor ejecutivo del programa ôLa emision por internet tiene el proposito de incrementar la audiencia del programaa a nivel mundial, ofreciendo la oportunidad de que usuarios de DSL y Broadband lo veanö.
De acuerdo a Maggie McClung, coordinadora de produccion del programa y originaria de Mexico nos dice, ôCuando supe del programa TuvidaTV, estuve mas que convencida que era el proyecto en el cual deseaba participar. Supe ver el valor que tiene este programa para la comunidad Hispana. Desde enero hemos proporcionado informacion sobre temas de salud a traves de profesionales, instituciones medicas reconocidas por su seriedad y deseo de servir a la comunidad. Continuaremos cumpliendo esta mision por el beneficio de la comunidad Hispanaö.
Injury Free Coalition for Kids: Atlanta
Hughes Spalding Children's Hospital
Ana Everett, MPA
Emory Department of Pediatrics
49 Jessie Hill Jr. Drive
Office #274
Atlanta, Georgia 30303