The Injury Free Coalition for Kids is among the country's most effective injury prevention programs. We are a national program developed with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation comprised of hospital-based, community-oriented programs whose efforts are anchored in research, education and advocacy. Currently, the Coalition includes more than 42 sites located in just as many cities, each housed in the trauma center of their participating institution. It is run under the guidance of a board comprised of Coalition members and approved by the organization, operated by a set of bylaws established by the governing board.
All of the sites are independent, physician led programs driven by the Coalition's mission: preventing injury to children. While research determines where the injuries take pace and which ones are most prevalent and severe, most of the injuries addressed occur in urban environments, and Coalition members work to empower the diverse populations who live there. They do so by helping people to make their communities safer and they do it in a manner that is respectful of various cultures, beliefs and lifestyles. Individual programs and interventions are as varied as the communities they serve. Hence, no two sites are the same.
Please click on "Injury Free Sites" in the menu at the top of the page to find details about our individual sites. You can also browse a variety of safety issues by clicking on "Safety."
Efforts of the sites are supported by the Coalition's National Program Office (NPO), which is located in the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. The Center has three main divisions: Outreach, Education and Research. Injury Free serves under the outreach division of the Center; and, it is comprised of two divisions: one for programming and one for research. Both areas are supported by administrative staff; so, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.