"Baby Shower" kicks-off "Safe at Home and on the Road with Allstate" National Campaign

December 4, 2001 - Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Atlanta

Atlanta, GA - The Injury Free Coalition for Kids and The Allstate Foundation join Hughes Spalding Children’s Hospital today to launch a nationwide effort to educate families about ways they can reduce childhood injuries, the leading cause of death and hospitalization for children.

"The Safe At Home And On The Road with Allstate" national campaign kicks-off at 10am with a "Baby Safety Shower" at Hughes Spalding Children's Hospital. Expectant mothers and caregivers were invited to attend and will receive "Safe at Home and on the Road with Allstate" kits, a child safety seat and instructions on how to make their homes and vehicles safe for children.

"Everyone is morally responsible for playing a role in efforts to reduce the number of children who die needlessly," said Dr. Barbara Barlow, one of the country’s leading authorities in Injury Prevention. "Proper use of the items included in the 'Safe at Home and on the Road with Allstate' kits can help substantially reduce the number of home injuries to children."

"It is our hope that parents will take their bags home, plug in the electric outlet covers, install their smoke detector and know they are making a positive difference," said Jan Epstein,the Executive Director of the Allstate Foundation.

The bilingual "Safe at Home and on the Road with Allstate" kits contain items designed to address the leading causes of childhood injuries and include among other things, safety checklists, cabinet safety locks, smoke detectors, bath water thermometers and poison control information.

Atlanta is the first of 10 major cities across the country where The Allstate Foundation and the Injury Free Coalition for Kids will join local hospitals to distribute a total of 10,000 "Safe at Home" kits to families. Other cities slated to take part include: Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois; Kansas City, Missouri; Los Angeles, California; Miami, Florida; New York, New York; Pittsburgh, Philadelphia; San Diego, California; St. Louis, Missouri and Worchester, Massachusetts.
