Toys"R"Us Partners to Prevent Injuries

May 15, 2010 - Injury Free Coalition for Kids National Office

In 2010, Toys"R"Us, Inc. established a partnership with the Injury Free Coalition for Kids, a hospital-based injury prevention organization whose efforts focus on research, education and advocacy. The Injury Free Coalition for Kids was established in 1981 in the Harlem area of New York City. Since demonstrating its effectiveness in reducing injury rates among local children, the program has been successfully replicated in more than 40 hospitals around the country.

Each Injury Free Coalition for Kids site is led by a local physician, and the programs implemented in their respective communities are based on the needs of the members of that community. In the past, sites have done everything from help to build playgrounds that give kids a safe place to play after school to instituting programs that educate new parents on baby safety.

Toys"R"Us works with the Injury Free Coalition for Kids to provide parents and caregivers with safety tips focused on summer safety, including water, bike and wheeled-sport safety, to help parents prevent unintentional injury during a time when kids are often most active. A $10,000 donation from the Toys"R"Us Children's Fund has been designated to help the organization and its local sites.


Estell Lenita Johnson (
Director of Communications, Injury Free Coalition for Kids