December 4, 2017 - Injury Free Coalition for Kids National Office
(Ft. Lauderdale, FL, December 3, 2017) During Forging New Frontiers, the annual conference of the Injury Free Coalition for Kids this week, Chelsie Gallagher of Seattle Children’s Hospital in Seattle Washington was recognized with the 2017 Program Evaluation Abstract of the year award. Her abstract, “Evaluation of a Community-Based Safe Firearm and Ammunition Storage Intervention” co-authored by co-authored by Cassie King, Elizabeth Bennett, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Frederick P. Rivara, and Joseph A Simonetti was selected as the conference’s best Program Evaluation abstract from among the top Program Evaluation abstracts from around the country presented at the conference.
Ms. Gallagher’s abstract was judged on the degree to which: her topic identified a new area of study and/or addressed the topic in a novel and unique manner, the scientific validity of her methodology, the relevance of her topic to injury control and/or address violence prevention, the way she articulated the research and responded to questions and critiques during her presentation and the degree to which she communicated the hypothesis, methodology, research, results, and conclusion of the research through written word. Scoring and ranking took place during the conference and the award was presented during the Coalition’s Saturday night awards banquet.
Scientific Publications Committee Chair Marlene Melzer-Lange, MD said in addition to those factors, the subject matter made this abstract important. ““Firearm injuries to children are a national tragedy—Ms. Gallagher’s work to evaluate the best way to promote safe firearm and ammunition storage is paramount in this key injury prevention strategy,” according to Dr. Melzer-Lange. The Coalition’s Board President agrees. “Unintentional shootings in children are a problem in the US, and safe storage is essential in preventing these tragedies. Ms. Gallagher’s work showed that after a community-based intervention, more guns were stored locked and unloaded. Proven prevention strategies like these are important in preventing firearm injuries and deaths,” said Board President Wendy Pomerantz, MD.
Ms. Gallagher says she is honored to receive the award. “The safe storage of firearms is vital to reducing the risk of accidental shootings and suicide by firearm,” she said. “We are very excited to share the findings from our program evaluation and hope that others will join us and invest in similar programming to promote and encourage storing firearms and ammunition safely to protect children, families and our communities from firearm tragedies.”
Chelsie Gallagher serves as a communications specialist focused on injury prevention at Seattle Children’s Hospital. She is responsible for coordinating the firearm tragedy prevention and safe firearm storage programs. Her career at Seattle Children’s began in the Marketing and Communications department where she worked on the Health Promotion and Marketing team doing community outreach and events, health education programing, advertising and corporate sponsorship. She also served as a development communications officer for Franciscan Children’s in Boston, MA. Ms. Gallagher is a graduate of the University of Washington with a degree in communications.
The Injury Free Coalition for Kids is the place to turn for the country’s most effective venue for generating injury prevention research and community based programming. The Coalition is comprised of hospital-based, community-oriented programs whose efforts are anchored in research, education, and advocacy. It is made up of nearly 40 sites located in level I and II trauma centers in major metropolitan areas across the country. All of the sites are independent, programs driven by the Coalition’s mission: “Prevent Injury to Children.” The Coalition is the place to turn for physicians looking to make a difference.
For more information Contact:
E. Lenita Johnson, MA
Program, Marketing & Communications Dir.