Northwoods Playground

Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Cincinnati

Date: Sat, Jun 2, 2018
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (or until completion)

Location: Northwoods Park (Norwood, Ohio)
Organizer/Sponsor: Comprehensive Children’s Injury Center (CCIC) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Cincinnati La Mega Radio 97.7 FM

Playground injuries are the leading cause of injury to children in the childcare setting and to children, ages 5 to 14 years old in the school environment. More than 70 percent of playground equipment-related injuries involve falls to the surface and nine percent involve falls onto equipment. One of the most effective means of injury prevention has been the creation of safe environments for children through the renovation of playgrounds.

On Saturday, June 2nd, The Comprehensive Children’s Injury Center (CCIC) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Preventing Injuries in Norwood (PIN), IFCK-Cincinnati and community volunteers teamed up for a community playground build. Thanks to major funding from Cincinnati La Mega Radio 97.7 FM, this one-day project was able to provide safe, new playground equipment and safety surfacing.

Over 80 volunteers from the local and surrounding neighborhoods, CCHMC, Norwood Fire Department and other community organizations donated their time and energy for the completion of this project. Neighborhood restaurants donated breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks and a local DJ donated his time and equipment to provide music for volunteers throughout the entire day.

This community partnership was vital to modernizing Norwood’s outdated playground, offering a sense of shared ownership and responsibility among residents.and reduce the rate of unintentional injuries to countless children.

To date, community partnerships have resulted in the building and/or renovation of 15 playgrounds in and around the City of Cincinnati.

Contact Information

Dawne Gardner, MBA, CPST
Specialist, Injury Prevention
Comprehensive Children's Injury Center (CCIC)
(O) 513-636-3153
(F) 513-636-3827