Community Programs and Events

Program/Event Details:
This event is open to community residents to learn about injuries and injury prevention resources available. We are grateful for JPMA Cares for providing needed supplies to give families attending the event including 6 car seats. Partners at this event: NYP Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital (Jeanne Rubsam), NYP Weill Cornell Medical Center (Rob Curran - Stop the Bleed and Hands-Only CPR), New York Fire Department (Fire Safety), New York Dept of Transportation,- Vision Zero (Pedestrian Safety), New York City Health and Homes Program (Lead Poisoning, bed bugs, cleaning products), Columbia School of Nursing - Stop the Bleed and Narcan training. The NYP events planner (Nancy Gautier) and PR Relations Julio Batista confirmed the space and obtained a proclamation from the office of Manny Dos Santos NYS Assemblyman for district 72. Adrianno Espaillat also attended the event and tried out the hands only CPR and Stop the Bleed stations. 150 lives touched. New Coalition partners and relationships have evolved with the table leads and the school Dos Puentes.

Dates and Times:
Nov 18th 9/930 set up and event from 10 am - 1 pm

Contact Information

Contact Person: DiLenny Roca
Phone: 212-305-6718


Injury Prevention Day Safety and Health Fair

New York, New York (Children's)

NIPD Health and Safety Fair

New York, New York (Children's)

NIPD Health and Safety Fair

New York, New York (Children's)

Program Partners

Injury Free Coalition for Kids
JPMA Cares