Community Programs and Events

Program/Event Details:
The Virtual Home Safety Shower was held via Zoom (we aren’t allowed to take photos on our hospital’s Zoom account) on November 21st. We recruited parents who had previously attended one of our Virtual Car Seat classes. Twenty parents completed the pre-test and information form, but 14 parents attended the hour-long Safety Shower. We covered the following home safety topics at the shower: water safety, poison prevention, safe firearm storage, falls prevention, burn safety, toy safety/button battery safety and product recalls. To keep their interest and encourage participation, we used Zoom pools throughout the presentation. The average knowledge change from pre to post test was 20%. In their program evaluation, parents reported, “Learning a lot”, “The presentation was very helpful” and “There were many things I didn’t know”. The parents received a smoke and carbon monoxide detector with a 10-year battery and a $50 gift card to purchase a home safety item after completing their post-test and evaluation. Six participants asked for gun locks.

Dates and Times:
November 21st at 12 noon

Program Partners

Injury Free Coalition for Kids
Safe Kids Worldwide