Community Programs and Events

Program/Event Details:
Children's Mercy Pediatric Residents and Nurses will integrate fire/flame/scald injury prevention into their pediatric resident clinic visits and provide a safety device to reduce risk of scalds during bath time - a floating duck and doorknob covers to reduce access to bathrooms.

number of people involved: 25 number of lives touched: 50 duration time (start time-end time): 89:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. amount of equipment distributed: 100 new or strengthened coalition partnerships/relationships: CMH Pediatric Residents and PCC staff.

Dates and Times:
November 18, 2020.

Contact Information

Contact Person: Phyllis Larimore RN MPH
Phone: 9133145952

Program Partners

Injury Free Coalition for Kids
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
American Trauma Society (ATS)
Trauma Center Association of America (TCAA)