The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that 205,860 children receive emergency department care for injuries that occurred on playground equipment. Seventy-six percent of these injuries happen on playground equipment in schools, daycare facilities and parks. Twenty-three percent of injuries occur on playground equipment designed for home use. One percent of injuries happen on homemade playground equipment, primarily rope swings.

The majority of these injuries involve equipment at schools (45%) and public parks (31%). Injuries also occur on playgrounds at daycare centers, apartment complexes, and fast food restaurants.

The documents below provide basic information on Playground Safety and Injury Prevention.

Parent's Safety Checklist

Safety Presentation


Research Papers

Links of Interest

Video Resources

Playground Safety Video

Did you know?

Bike helmets have proven to be the single most effective safety device in reducing head injury and death in bicycling crashes. Helmets reduce the risk of head injury by as much as 85 percent.

Nearly 362,000 children annually are treated in emergency departments throughout the United States with bicycling injuries and one-third of the visits are head injuries.

Unintentional medication overdoses are the leading cause of emergency department (ED) visits in young children (PROTECT Initiative, 2024)

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