Parent's Safety Checklist


Child Passenger Safety Links

KIDS AND CARS' mission is to assure no child dies or is injured in a non-traffic, non-crash motor vehicle-related event.
Is your child's car seat safe? More than 95% of the car seats we check are being used incorrectly. Don't take a chance with your child's life! Car Seat Checkup Online

Did you know?

Over 70 percent of children between 5 and 14 ride bicycles (27.7 million) yet it is estimated that only 15 to 25 percent wear helmets.

The CPSC estimates that ATVs result in more than 100,000 ER visits annually, including more than 30,000 injuries for children under 16 years.

Unintentional medication overdoses are the leading cause of emergency department (ED) visits in young children (PROTECT Initiative, 2024)

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