The National Office of the Injury Free Coalition for Kids is located in Columbia University's Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health. The office was established to support its sites around the country, lead and guide efforts in injury prevention, and serve as a resource for those interested in reducing injury to children.
Efforts of the Injury Free Coalition for Kids sites are supported by the Coalition’s National Program Office (NPO), which is part of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia, Mailman School of Public Health, one of ten CDC funded Injury Control and Research Centers. The Center has three main divisions: Outreach, Education and Research. Injury Free serves under the outreach division of the Center; and, it is comprised of two divisions: one for programming and one for research. Both areas are supported by administrative staff; so, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
The Center provides partial salary support for the National Program Office, which includes administrative support, grant management, and office space at the school. This gives injury Free a secure home within Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.
Injury Free reaches out to Pediatric Trauma Centers nationally and internationally and also to individuals interested in injury prevention. Sites which contribute annual dues to Injury Free support the conference, the NPO, website, the list serves, acquisition of copies of the Journal of Trauma Supplement, and other organization efforts. These dues make those sites eligible for small grant funding for cross site projects coordinated through the NPO, and four no cost conference registrations annually. Injury Free supports cross site research, cross site programming, individual site research grants, and the academic promotion of Injury Free physicians. The Journal of Trauma continues to publish papers from the conference as part of our mission to disseminate best practices broadly and encourage injury prevention activities. The Injury Free network includes members from many different disciplines all committed to reducing the burden of injury nationally and internationally.
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