Senior Scientist and Director, Johns Hopkins Children's Safety Centers, Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Baltimore
Eileen M. McDonald is senior scientist in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she directs the master’s program in health education and health communication. She is core faculty of the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy and serves as their Associate Director for Translation. Her injury research focuses on the application of innovative health education methods, health communication technology, and other clinical- and community-based interventions aimed at reducing pediatric injuries. Eileen co-created Safety in Seconds, a free smartphone app that focuses on child passenger safety and residential fire safety. She and Johns Hopkins colleagues have conducted numerous RCT and national surveys on topics from opioid storage and use practices to fire and life safety topics. Ms. McDonald holds a bachelor’s degree in health education and a master’s degree in health administration. Eileen is the PI for the Injury Free Coalitions for Kids-Baltimore, where she spearheaded the award-wining bike helmet video, You Make the Call.
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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
624 N. Broadway, Room 731
Baltimore, MD 21205