Manager, Injury Prevention Program, OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital, Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Portland (OHSU Doernbecher)
Adrienne is the Program Manager for the OHSU Doernbecher Injury Prevention Program at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon. Adrienne completed undergraduate studies in social work and obtained a master's degree in organizational management. She has dedicated her professional focus on Injury Prevention and advocating for children. She has been a Child Passenger Safety Technician since 2002, and an instructor since 2012. Adrienne has led the development of the Injury Prevention Program at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital which includes an Injury Control Program benefiting patients and their families along with an Injury Prevention outreach program serving Oregon, SW Washington and Portland Metro communities. Adrienne currently is a member of the Injury Free Coalition for Kids Board of Directors and received the Injury Free Program Coordinator of the Year Award in 2022.
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Mailing Address:
700 SW Campus Drive
Portland, Oregon 97239
Adrienne Gallardo is available to answer your group's questions via telephone or e-mail.
Adrienne Gallardo is available to travel to speak to your group in person.