The Safety Boxes are a self tutorial kit that anyone can pick up and use to present on one of the five top unintentional injury safety topics, eliminating the need for an Injury Prevention Coordinator to be present and provide injury prevention education. Potential users of the "Safety-in-a-Box" program need not be an expert on child safety to make use of the Safety Boxes. The curricula and activities are designed to be used by anyone with a desire to keep children safe. To date, we have created Safety Boxes to address bike safety, child passenger safety, playground safety, home safety, and poison control.
Child Passenger Safety Box: Designed to educate children ages 4 to 12 about the importance of wearing seat belts. The instructor’s curriculum is divided into two sections. The first section contains information about child passenger safety. The second section contains classroom activities. The curriculum is designed to emphasize a few important truths about child passenger safety: 1) Everyone should wear a seat belt—no exceptions. 2) Children should not ride in the front seat until they are 13 years old. 3) Children should use a booster seat until they are eight years old and 4’9” tall.
Concussion Safety Designed to provide basic information and resources to education children ages 8 to 18 of the importance of concussion awareness. The key points covered in this safety box include: 1) What a concussion is. 2) Common causes of a concussion. 3) Signs and symptoms of a concussion. 4) What to do if you think you have a concussion. 5) How concussions are treated. 6) When it is safe to return to activities.
Home Safety Designed to empower children ages 4 to 12, to make safe decisions and to seek the help of a grownup when they encounter a hazardous situation in or around the home setting. The curriculum is designed to aid participants in identifying dangers often present in the home setting and emphasize home safety injury prevention methods in the areas of: 1) Fall hazards 2) Fire/Burn safety 3) Gun safety 4) Water Safety
Playground Safety Designed to provide the basic information and resources to educate children ages 4 to 12 on dangers on the playground. The enclosed props and presentation outline are designed to help address the following key points:
1) Understand the importance of playground safety 2) Identify dangers on the playground 3) Empower children to make safe decisions and to seek the help of a grownup when they encounter a hazardous situation on the playground
Poison Safety Designed to educate children ages 4 to 12 on preventing unintentional poisonings and how to alert grown-ups if they se something that could be a potential hazards. The curriculum is designed to emphasize the importance of recognizing candy from medicine and focuses on children staying away from: -Medicine cabinets -Kitchen/bathroom cabinets -Garages
Wheeled Safety Designed to provide basic information and resources to educate children ages 4 to 12 on the importance of wearing a helmet while riding their bicycles, scooters or skates. The enclosed props and presentation outline are designed to help address the following key points: 1) Functions of the brain 2) Proper fit of a helmet for protection 3) Rules of the road
With the educational curriculum and hands on activities provided within each safety box, parents, school staff, churches, troop leaders, coaches, etc. can utilize the Safety-in-a-Box program and become educators and advocates on behalf of child safety.