Through a network of more than 25 community partners, covering open water, pools, and home drowning hazards, Safe Kids Greater Houston’s Water Safety Team promotes awareness of the need to actively watch children in or near water. They operate a number of life jacket loaner sites at public boat ramps. Dock boxes filled with life jackets are attached to informational kiosks near public boating ramps in the Greater Houston area. Families can borrow life jackets before heading out to the water and return them when finished.
Additionally, a member of the CCIP staff serves as the President of the Texas Drowning Prevention Alliance. The Texas Drowning Prevention Alliance is a non-profit organization that provides educational materials and resources to families, healthcare providers, and communities to save lives. The Texas Drowning Prevention Alliance was started in September 2011 by a small group of advocates, all of which posses a passion for devising ways to assist in the prevention of the drowning of all of the citizens of Texas.
Water safety in the state of Texas continues to be a focus of the Center for Childhood Injury Prevention. Some funding is generously provided by Greater Houston Pool Management each year. This year’s funding supported Spanish water safety billboards, Public Service Announcements, and educational materials.