Teen R.I.D.E. - Reality Intensive Drivers Education
Click to watch the "Sharing the Wheel" video.
The program focuses on a high-risk category of drivers--teenagers who have been cited for a moving violation, such as speeding, driving without a license or running a traffic light. Teens are referred by a Worcester County Juvenile Court Judge. Young drivers report to UMass Memorial children's Medical Center at 8:00 am on a Saturday. Teens and any parents/care givers who choose to attend sit in on several short discussion-based lectures about the mechanism of injury; specific risk factors for teen drivers and what it means to have a brain injury. Teens view a powerful video that tells the story of a group of teens who become intoxicated at a party and were then involved in a serious motor vehicle crash. Teens break into small groups and visit various departments within the Medical Center, including the Trauma and Emergency Ambulance Bay where technicians explain and re-enact what happens "in the field" when the ambulance is at the crash site preparing critically injured patients for emergency transport. The participants also have an opportunity to meet with a trauma victim survivor. More than 414 teenagers completed the Teen R.I.D.E. program.
Teen R.I.D.E.- Reality Intensive Driver Education in Drivers Education
The successful Teen R.I.D.E. program has expanded its reach to parents of teenage drivers who attend the mandatory parent education session of the drivers education program at South high School in Worcester, MA. During this session, parents are exposed to several elements of the Teen R.I.D.E. program including an interactive talk with physicians, viewing of powerful videos, and discussion with a trauma victim survivor.
Safe Ride, Safe Drive
The 2010-2011 school year marks the second year that Injury Free Worcester has partnered with the South High Community School Service Learning Program to educate 9th and 10th grade students about the importance of making safe choices as a vehicle passenger as a prelude to becoming a safe driver. Students are engaged through core subjects including math, science, english language arts, and social studies.
Teen D.R.I.V.E.- Distracted Reality an Interactive Virtual Education
With funding provided by The Allstate Foundation, this new program consists of a vehicle which houses two driving simulators. Students will get the opportunity to participate in the program One Simple Decision, which focuses on the perils of distracted driving including the use of cell phones and driving under the influence. Teen D.R.I.V.E. also uses peer to peer education by having students help lead and promote Teen D.R.I.V.E. amongst their fellow students.